Sunday, December 13, 2009

My Eames era Saarinen Chairs in Original Knoll Fabric (1964) Arm Chairs with chrome legs


I was given 2 forest green Eames era Saarinen Chairs in Original Knoll Fabric (1964) Arm Chairs with chrome legs.

I don't think the person who gave them to me realized what she had, nor did I at the time! They were vintage and though I didn't like the color, I loved the style.

Well, As I began to watch shows and movies, I would see my chairs in expensive, eclectic decor scenes of the show.

I have decided to upholster these chairs and I have found that I have 2 gems on my hand. As I do my internet search I see that these chairs can range from $100 per chair to $2200, depending on the condition.

I have to find a company who will do a great job upholstering this chair and keeping the integrity of the design.

Suggestions anyone?